The average adult will spend a total of five years and five months of their lives doing admin, and much more sorting out all the mundane annoyances of everyday life. Wouldn’t life be better if we could just click past these ordinary things?

Organising, paying and generally staying on top of your bills is one of the worst kinds of life-admin. Especially when you’re already juggling work, life, and deciding what to cook for dinner. BPAY takes away some of that stress, and makes it easy to see and pay your bills from your online banking.

This campaign draws on those little, everyday frustrations we all want to wish away. It takes that feeling of being freed from your life-admin and dials it up. Along with a touch of magic, we brought light-hearted humour to those relatable situations, to demonstrate the ease with which BPAY can help people stay on top of their bills.

The campaign launched on BVOD, OOH, digital, radio and social channels.